Face 2 Face

Israël, Palestine
Face2Face Project, 2007
In 2007, during the Face 2 Face project, JR and Marco organize the largest illegal photography exhibition ever. For this project, portraits of Israelis and Palestinians are pasted face to face, in monumental formats on both sides of the wall and in several Palestinian and Israeli cities.
The Face 2 Face project
When we met in 2005, we decided to go together to the Middle‐East to figure out why Palestinians and Israelis couldn't find a way to get along together. We then travelled through the Israeli and Palestinian cities without speaking much. Just looking to this world with amazement. This holy place for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This tiny area where you can see mountains, sea, deserts and lakes, love and hate, hope and despair embedded together.
After a week, we had the exact same conclusion: these people look the same; they speak almost the same language, like twin brothers raised in different families. A religious covered woman has her twin sister on the other side. A farmer, a taxi driver, a teacher, has his twin brother in front of him. And he is endlessly fighting with him.
It's obvious, but they don't see that. We must put them face to face. They will realize.
28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, JR explaining his project, 2006

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, Holy Triptych, 2006

28 Millimeters, Face2Face, Separation Wall Security Fence, Close Up, Israeli Side, Abu Dis, Jerusalem, 2007
The Face2Face project consists of taking portraits of Palestinians and Israelis doing the same job and posting them face to face, in huge formats, in unavoidable places, on both Israeli and Palestinian sides. We want, at last, everyone to laugh and to think by seeing the portrait of the other and his own portrait.
In a very sensitive context, we have to be clear. We are in favour of a solution in which two countries, Israel and Palestine would live peacefully within safe and internationally recognized borders. All the bilateral peace projects (Clinton/Taba, Ayalon/Nusseibeh, Geneva Agreements) are converging into the same direction. We can be optimistic.

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, Separation wall, security fence, Israeli side, Abu Dis, Jerusalem, 2007

28 Millimeters, Face2Face, The Wall Palestinan Side, Rush Hour, 2007

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, Seperation Wall, Security fence, Palestinian side, Bethlehem, 2007

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, nuns in action, separation wall, security fence, palestinian side, bethlehem, 2007

28 millimètres, Face 2 Face, Boxer and Soccer player, 2006

28 millimètres, Face 2 Face, boxer and soccer player, Jericho, 2007

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, Sculptors, 2006

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, Sculptors, Ramallah, 2007

28 Millimètres, Face2Face, Action in Ramallah, 2007

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, Actors, 2006

28 Millimètres, Face2Face, 2006

28 Millimètres, Face2Face, Cooks, Jerusalem, Ben Yehuda, 2007

28 Millimètres, Face2Face, Separation Wall Detail, Security Fence, Palestinian Side, 2006

28 Millimètres, Face2Face, Separation Wall Detail, Security Fence, Palestinian Side, 2006

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, Cooks, 2006

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, Cooks, Jerusalem, Ben Yehuda, 2007

28 Millimètres, Face 2 Face, Go Between, 2007