‘O papel da mão,’ Nara Roesler, 2023

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, exhibition view, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023. Photo: Flavio Freire

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, exhibition view, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023. Photo: Flavio Freire
‘O papel da mão,’ Nara Roesler, São Paulo, Brazil
March 25th - May 20th, 2023
O papel da mão explores the role of the hand as a form of storytelling throughout the ages. Found in prehistoric paintings around the world, from Lascaux and Chauvet in France to Serra da Capivara in Brazil, the human hand is one of the oldest images recorded by mankind. Under the light of fire in caves and gorges, representations of the hand ushered in the first era of human creativity.
Ancient handprints signaled to future generations that the artist existed. In the same way, graffiti and public art in cities around the world marks the presence of artists in everyday life. The purpose of our hands is to hold, grasp and move with precision, but since prehistoric times, our hands have also allowed us to tell our own story and determine the mark we leave on the world. In this way, the hand is our first self-portrait.
Learn more here.

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, exhibition view, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023. Photo: Flavio Freire

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, exhibition view, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023. Photo: Flavio Freire

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, exhibition view, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023. Photo: Flavio Freire

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, exhibition view, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023. Photo: Flavio Freire

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, exhibition view, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023. Photo: Flavio Freire

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, exhibition view, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023. Photo: Flavio Freire

O papel da mão, Nara Roesler, exhibition view, São Paulo, Brazil, 2023. Photo: Flavio Freire