
Trailer : Tehachapi Project - California - October (2019)

JR et le Secret de la Grande Pyramide - Behind the scenes (2019)

The Chronicles of San Francisco - Behind the scenes (2019)

Teaser : The Chronicles of San Francisco (2019)

The Gun Chronicles, A Story of America - The Tour (2018)

Teaser : The Gun chronicles, A Story of America (2018)


Giants : Kikito - Tecate (2017)

Les Bosquets Ballet - Behind the scenes (2015)

NYCB Art Series (2014)

New York City Ballet, Art Series (2014)

Portrait of a Generation : Destruction - Clichy-Montfermeil (2013)

Idem studio - How lithographs are made

Inside Out Project - Do your glue

Inside Out Project - Paste your poster

Teaser : Inside out project

Wrinkles of the City - Los Angeles - Beverly Wall Pasting (2011)

The Wrinkles of the City - Los Angeles (2011)

Teaser : Wrinkles of the City - Los Angeles (2011-2012)

Unframed - Vevey (2010)

Cultural Center - Morro de Provindencia - Brazil (2008)

Women Are Heroes Project

Face2Face (2007)

28mm Portrait of a Generation

Clichés du ghetto - Clichy-Montfermeil (2004)

BEGINNINGS - Expo2Rue / Sidewalk Gallery (2001-2004)

JR: Chronicles - The Chronicles of San Francisco

JR: Chronicles - The Chronicles of New York City

JR: Chronicles - The Guns Chronicles, A History of America

JR: Chronicles - The Chronicles of Clichy Montfermeil

JR: Chronicles - Giants (Kikito)

JR: Chronicles - Migrants, Mayra

JR au Louvre - Paris (2016)

Giants : Olympics - Rio de Janeiro (2016)

Unframed - Ellis Island (2015)

Women Are Heroes - Le Havre (2014)

The Wrinkles of the City - Berlin (2013)

JR: Chronicles - Portrait of a Generation (Destruction #2)

JR: Chronicles - Inside Out

The Wrinkles of the City - Los Angeles (Hero on the Wall) (2011)

JR: Chronicles - Casa Amarela

Women are Heroes - India (2009)

Women Are Heroes - Cambodia (2009)

Women are Heroes - Brazil (2008-2009)

The Wrinkles of the City - Cartagena (2008)

JR: Chronicles - The Wrinkles of the City, Istanbul

JR: Chronicles - The Wrinkles of the City, Havana

JR: Chronicles - Women are Heroes (Kibera)

JR: Chronicles - Face 2 Face

JR: Chronicles - Braquage

JR: Chronicles - Portrait of a Generation

JR: Chronicles - Pasting Process (Mockups)